Yellowstone National Park has lost his last wolf in 1926, in 1900 there is the assumption which the animals are "Good" and "Evil", while the animal is either mistaken as deer and other herbivores, while evil is a kind of predatory wolves, so there was great slaughter heavily against the wolf at the time.
Though they do not know the impact of these actions, because the population of wolves in Yellowstone have become extinct, then the deer elk have lost their natural predators and breed so rapidly as to deer elk were killed by being shot mass (because it was too much and can disrupt ecosystems as well).
Finally in about 1995 began the return of wolves to Yellowstone.dibawah are some pictures.
Positive side of the return of wolves to Yellowstone
Many banget loh gan positive side only ane aja nyebutin few.
Starting from the bear deh.
Grizzly bears are omnivores that's in addition to eating fruits (like berries so) they're also eating daging.Tapi hunt prey like deer when they lost in the running, not like the wolves who pursued quickly and attack with kelompok.Saat wolves have to come back to Yellowstone bears back to get extra food from menintimdasi wolf when eating (so prey stolen gan)
For Fox.
Because wolves prey left after a meal but the wolf would return, then the carcass is left behind while the wolf was eaten by some other animals such as crows and hawks, including Coyote.Saat wolves back they would kill coyotes tersebut.Karena reduced the number of coyotes is a good opportunity for foxes because they eat only mice (Coyote also likes to eat rat) and killed the wolf.
The downside:
Wolves are territorial animals to another group of wolves, so many who fled to the ranch outside the Yellowstone area as a result they hunt animals such as sheep farming and others, so the farm to get a very large losses. ![](
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