benefits of maintaining the wolf

Wolf ...
People usually nendengar name "wolf" has become afraid, because wild animals including wolves, wild, and the carnivorous type. But there is also the use of wolves as a guide animal in the forest path and can assist hunters in finding targets and assist police in finding fugitive in the woods. But now some people who maintain the wolf to guard the house. Although expensive but people prefer to keep wolves than dogs, because the wolf is more intelligent, agile, and definitely more fierce, making thieves think a thousand times, if you want to target a house that was robbed was guarded by wolves.
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Proses Pngambilan Srigala di Taman Nasionall Yellowstone

Yellowstone National Park has lost his last wolf in 1926, in 1900 there is the assumption which the animals are "Good" and "Evil", while the animal is either mistaken as deer and other herbivores, while evil is a kind of predatory wolves, so there was great slaughter heavily against the wolf at the time.
Though they do not know the impact of these actions, because the population of wolves in Yellowstone have become extinct, then the deer elk have lost their natural predators and breed so rapidly as to deer elk were killed by being shot mass (because it was too much and can disrupt ecosystems as well).
Finally in about 1995 began the return of wolves to Yellowstone.dibawah are some pictures.

Positive side of the return of wolves to Yellowstone
Many banget loh gan positive side only ane aja nyebutin few.
Starting from the bear deh.
Grizzly bears are omnivores that's in addition to eating fruits (like berries so) they're also eating daging.Tapi hunt prey like deer when they lost in the running, not like the wolves who pursued quickly and attack with kelompok.Saat wolves have to come back to Yellowstone bears back to get extra food from menintimdasi wolf when eating (so prey stolen gan)
For Fox.
Because wolves prey left after a meal but the wolf would return, then the carcass is left behind while the wolf was eaten by some other animals such as crows and hawks, including Coyote.Saat wolves back they would kill coyotes tersebut.Karena reduced the number of coyotes is a good opportunity for foxes because they eat only mice (Coyote also likes to eat rat) and killed the wolf.
The downside:
Wolves are territorial animals to another group of wolves, so many who fled to the ranch outside the Yellowstone area as a result they hunt animals such as sheep farming and others, so the farm to get a very large losses.

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Strange Cow, Wolf Similar or Dracula?

Lately, in the hamlet where I live is in Kalipenten, Kaliagung, Sentolo Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta in hebohkan with the birth of the calf or bull-like Son Wolf (I think personally) but the more people think like Dracula.

Please note this Berkut photo, you think like Dracula or the Wolf?
Or like you? Nding engga hahahahaha kidding ya know ....

Conditions of imperfect mouth resulted in cows that can not suckle its mother, so Ngatiman (owner of the calf) per day should be fed with a bottle containing milk kempongan are squeezed from the calf's mother.

Surprisingly, it was rumored that the saliva of the calf have properties to cure rheumatic diseases, may not believe it is also good. If I believe sich ga. hehehe

Since the incident, many people are curious to see it directly. Not only locals, residents from outside the city such as Magelang, Purworejo, Yogyakarta, and Klaten also had a chance to come in droves.

If the curious come to his house aja Pak Ngatiman, do not forget all stop by my house, I'll never love anget dech ... huehuehe ...
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If the wolf and the goat could be brothers, Why Not Humans

Anyone know well both in fairy tales and sagas that animals usually become predatory wolf sheep are also other animals including goats. It's as if existing in nature there is the fate of prey there are groups of animals were wiped out, always made ​​monthly by months of other types of predatory animals.
Kisah srigala dan kambing yang bersaudaraThe story of the wolf and goat brothers

But what has become a twist that did not always do so. At least this is the true story that happened
Kisah Kambing dan SrigalaGoats and the Wolf story

Nanyuanzi, Xinjiang China, where the origins of the locals find an abandoned baby wolf. Finally the baby wolf population had been collected by and maintained, but because the baby is still small and eventually by residents of nursing takes a small wolf suckled by a goat livestock population is female.

Up to this day they live together peacefully, even the goat is there not afraid of wolves who had stepped on today. The goats goat srigalapun considers as his friends around him. Well buddy how real hostility is not immutable, we can our hearts with brotherly fertilizer early in order to grow the love and hate and resentment erodes.

Then allow people who is still caught in conflicts of hostility and resentment baikkarena different beliefs, races and nations can coexist become brothers? Does God destine people to fight each other or be friends? Until when will there-oppressed peoples like the Palestinians who are often oppressed by Israel, you think maybe it's twist. Or maybe bsakah they become like wolves and goats in the story above?
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Sheep are animals that are weak.
Therefore they often get together to prevent attacks from enemies.
Likewise if the sheep still need a shepherd to keep the attack from the enemy.
Usually a wild animal that attacks the sheep are wolves.

Anyone know if the sheep are often hunted wolf, persecuted and even killed and eaten his flesh.

One day there is a sheep deciding to wear like a wolf. What a happy and peaceful he is after wearing wolf TSB. Now he does not feel afraid anymore, he walked boldly in kerumumnan wolf herd.
Nobody is a suspect srigalapun.
However, due to the seizure of food (fortune), so when a wolf began to howl and growl with fangs issue, because it was ready to fight amongst them. What happened to the sheep that wolves are hairy? Her whole body was trembling with fear and eventually he fell unconscious.
The meaning of the story above is an interesting picture, about the need to change MENTALITY advance rather than change our habits and WAY OF LIFE.
Everything starts from what we think, in sheep, which changed only superficially PHYSICAL CONDITION! But the mental and physical control a character who was still a sheep.
So we should not wonder, if sheep are scared and fainted takkala the wolves began to pull out its fangs to master fortune (food) is ..
So after one's appearance, whether he is fully dressed in a suit and tie and looked like a polite and courteous and seemed honest and tuturkatanya indicating
a trustworthy person, but if the character and mentality are still dilapidated, and not be changed, such as love doing CORRUPTION, then wherever & whenever there is a chance, he still will do

So that should be changed it is not her physical appearance but mentality.
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Sweden Buru Wolf After 45 Years

The Swedish government to allow hunting wolves in the country after 45 years. On the first day of the hunt, Saturday, 20 head of wolf eyes at the hands of hunters.

Swedish Environment Ministry has issued permits to kill 27 animals between January 2 and February 15 in the five regions in the center and southwest of the country: 10 percent of the entire wolf population in Sweden.

Swedish Parliament decided in October to limit wolf population up to at most 210 during the next five years.

The wolf population has grown steadily from near zero in the 1970s and cause problems for farmers who lost livestock in some wild animal attacks. Animals were also more often seen in rural areas, including in the suburbs of Stockholm.

Sheep rancher Kenneth Holmstrom told the Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, he has lost 32 sheep in 2005 in only two wolf attacks.

"Wolf has to live in the woods and fields, but the animals must be controlled better," he said.

"The animal has no natural enemies and breed rapidly," he added.

Some of the preservation of animal lovers group has submitted an objection and stating the hunt violates EU rules on the species and habitats.

There are as many as 150 wolves in Sweden in 2005. That number rose between 182 and 217 last winter and more children are born wolves since then, said the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
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